Decorating an interior allows for the creation of a unique space

Our modest contribution helps to maintain the integrity of culture.


As decorators, we willingly collaborate with architects and designers, breathing life into finished spaces.



Our studio employs talented artists who create beautiful reliefs and wall paintings, stained glass and mosaics. Decorative and applied art, just like art in interiors, is our favorite area of application.



In addition to reliefs and wall paintings, there are other aspects of decoration that are of utmost importance to us in creating an interior. Here are some examples


• Color              

The color scheme in interior design is of a great importance, colors can influence mood and atmosphere in the room. Properly chosen colors can make an interior cozy and elegant.  Some of our projects are done in ecological style, we use natural colors and materials. We are offering samples and are even trained in colour science so as to help our clients to find their own colour scheme.

• Furniture

High-quality furniture not only provides comfort and functionality, but also reflects the individuality of the owner and can set the style of the entire room.

• Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating an atmosphere and mood of the interior. Not only it provides important functionality, it could also highlight desired aspects of the decore by creating a play between light and shadow. 

• Objects

Unique decorative objects such as vases and small sculptures, as well as items for decorating tables and/or fireplaces could be made of metal, glass, or ceramics. We select ready to made items or create them specifically for each space.



These photographs show the same space, but radically changed by Prokhor in his apartment. Of course, as always, art plays a vital role here. But here a dramatic change is created by means of decoration - through new pieces of furniture and lamps, but most importantly - through color.


All of the listed elements are selected as particles of the image, creating a single holistic space.